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Your support for Resilient Coders is one click away! Donate once or give monthly to Resilient Coders and join the community of allies committed to bringing equity in tech. 100% of your money is invested in local talent who are traditionally underrepresented in tech.



To donate by mail, please send a check made out to Resilient Coders to 1 Broadway Cambridge, MA 02142. For stock donations, the brokerage firm is Merrill Lynch with a brokerage account number of 81803292, a DTC number of 8862 and a Tax ID of 47-1882343. Notify Ayanna Lott-Pollard of the stock gift transfer so we can send you a donation confirmation letter.

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your impact in 2021

thank you to our donors

We know that real change happens in coalition.
We invite you to join us in making top-tier education accessible to all.
